Thursday, 11 December 2008

Share Christmas with Your Pets

Tinsel, Toys and Turkey

Over Christmas, dogs and cats have access to all sorts of things they would not normally see. Please enjoy the festive season with your pets, but be careful of the following:

Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats. There's a lot of it about at this time of year. Be careful,especially with chocolate advent calendars and Christmas tree decorations

Tinsel can cause blockages in the intestine; do not allow pets to chase or eat it. The same applies to gift ribbon.

Don't feed your pets rich foods they are not used to. These can cause sickness and diarrhoea. Stick to a good quality dog or cat food as usual.

Give good quality, safe toys to you pets as Christmas presents. Make sure that the toys are tough enough and of the correct size for the recipient. Remove any features which your pet could chew off and eat.

If you have any Veterinary problems over Christmas or New Year, please telephone us as usual. If we are not available, our emergency services will be on call ensure your pets have the best treatment available.